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Request chemical waste pickup here.

FAQ Pages:

See the Hazardous Waste page for the following information:

• Parties responsible for different aspects of waste removal
• Waste storage and satellite areas
• Radioactive, mixed, and controlled substances waste guidelines
• Cleaning procedures for empty chemical containers based on contaminant
• Waste packaging guidelines
• Required disposal timelines based on hazard type

See the Potentially Infectious Waste page for the following information:

• Parties responsible for different aspects of infectious waste management
• On-site decontamination
 On-site waste removal with central storage
• On-site waste removal without central storage
• Off-site waste removal
• Waste storage
• Waste transportation

See the Radioactive Waste Management PDF for the following information:

• Parties responsible for different aspects of radioactive waste disposal
• Waste labeling, storage, and age requirements
• Disposal of radioactive dry solid waste
• Disposal of radioactive aqueous waste
• Disposal of radioactive organic waste
• Disposal of stock solution vials
• Disposal of radioactive biological waste
• Disposal of scintillation vials

See the Container Disposal page for the following information:

• Frequency and method of chemical waste disposal
• Disposal of empty chemical containers
• Disposal of secondary containers
• Disposal of broken glass containers
• Disposal of metal containers

Useful Documents

Hazardous Waste Labels:     Small     Medium     Large

EPA’s Hazardous Waste Listings
EPA List of Acutely Hazardouse Waste

Guide Sheet – Labeling Chemical Waste Containers

Guide Sheet – Hazardous Waste Disposal Flow Chart
Guide Sheet – How to Request Chemical Waste Pickup

Relevant Contacts

For hazardous waste and potentially infectious waste:

Environmental Health and Safety
(773) 702-9999

For radioactive waste:

Radiation Safety Office
(773) 702-6299

FAQ Pages:

See the Hazardous Materials Transportation page for the following information:

• Parties responsible for different aspects of hazardous material transportation
• Transportation of compressed gases

See the Transferring Radioactive Material PDF for the following information:

• Parties responsible for different aspects of radioactive material transfer
• Transfer of radioactive material between PIs
• Transferring radioactive material to and from outside institutions

See the Shipping Hazardous Biological Materials PDF for the following information:

• General requirements for shipping of biologically hazardous materials

Useful Documents

Relevant Contacts

For hazardous chemicals and potentially infectious materials:

Environmental Health and Safety
(773) 702-9999

For radioactive materials:

Radiation Safety Office
(773) 702-6299

For biological materials:

Office of Biological Safety
(773) 834-2707



FAQ Pages:


See the Emergency Response Plan for Hazardous Materials page for the following information:


• Detailed response procedure in the event that a hazardous material is spilled
• Parties responsible for different aspects of the hazard plan
• Pre-Emergency planning
• Police and Fire department contacts


 See the Potentially Infectious Waste page for the following information:


• Spill procedures and contact information – jump or scroll down to the Infectious Agent Spill Response section


 See the Radioactive Incident Response PDF for the following information:


• When to clean up a spill and when to seek help
• Characterizations of major and minor spills
• Incident notification procedures and contacts
• What to do if the incident involves unexpected exposure or overexposure
• What to do if the incident involves loss, theft, or damage to radioactive materials


See the Spill Protocols from the Office of Biological Safety PDF for the following information:


• When not to clean up a spill
Cleanup procedures for human blood and other potentially infectious human materials
• Cleanup procedures for biohazardous spills inside of a biological safety cabinet
• Cleanup procedures for small biohazardous spills outside of a biological safety cabinet
• Cleanup procedures for large biohazardous spills outside of a biological safety cabinet
• Cleanup procedures for spills on small laboratory equipment
• Cleanup procedures for spills on large laboratory equipment
• Incident notification
• Site control


Useful Documents


UCAIR Incident Reporting Flow Sheet


Relevant Contacts


For hazardous chemicals and potentially infectious materials:


Environmental Health and Safety
(773) 702-9999


For radioactive materials:


Radiation Safety Office
(773) 702-6299


For biological materials:


Office of Biological Safety
(773) 834-2707


For chemicals:


Office of Chemical Safety
(773) 834-2707



FAQ Pages:

See the Radiation Safety FAQ page for the following information:

• Authorization and approval procedures
• Submitting orders for radioactive materials
• Radioactive material physical inventories
• Borrowing and lending radioactive materials
• Shipping radioactive materials
• Radiation motoring badges (requesting, cancelling, dispensing, etc.)
• Radiation surveys (procedures, frequencies, requirements, etc.)

    Useful Documents


    Manual – Radiation Safety Manual: Policies and Guidelines

    See this page for more useful forms


    Relevant Contacts

    For general inquiries:

    Environmental Health and Safety
    (773) 702-9999

    For specific inquiries:

    Radiation Safety Office
    (773) 702-6299


    FAQ Pages:

    See the Laser Safety Guidelines and Regulations page for the following information:

    • Parties responsible for different aspects of laser safety
    • Purchasing and reporting procedures
    • Laser glasses
    • Training requirements
    • Laser alterations
    • Control measures
    • Medical surveillance
    • Exposure limits
    • Required documentation

    See the Laser Eyewear Inspection Program page for the following information:

    • Policies and procedures for the Laser Eye-wear Audit and Inventory
    • Cleaning and storage of protective eye-wear

    See the MPE and NHZ Calculation Guide page for the following information:

    • Maximum Permissible Exposure (MPE) definition and calculation
    • Nominal Hazard Zone (NHZ) definition and calculation

      Useful Documents

      See this page for useful forms

      Relevant Contacts

      For Laser Safety:

      Office of Radiation Safety
      (773) 702-6299

      For general inquiries:

      Environmental Health and Safety
      (773) 702-9999

      FAQ Pages:

      See the Machine Guarding page for the following information:

      • Parties responsible for different aspects of machine maintenance and inspection
      • Blade exposure
      • Safeguarding requirements
      • Mechanical hazards
      • Non-mechanical hazards
      • Appropriate PPE

      See the Hearing Conservation page for the following information:

      • Policies and control measures related to machine-generated loud noises


      Useful Documents


      Guide – Chemical Fume Hoods
      Guide – Machine Guarding
      Guide – Hearing Conservation Policy


      Relevant Contacts

      For machining inspection and reporting:

      Environmental Health and Safety
      (773) 702-9999

      For hoods:

      Office of Chemical Safety
      (773) 834-2707


      FAQ Pages:




      See the Fire Emergency Plan page for the following information:


      • Parties responsible for different aspects of the fire emergency plan
      • Fire response procedures and contact information
      • Policy regarding storage in corridors
      • Emergency evacuation procedures for persons with disabilities
      • Training


      See the Fire Safety page for the following information:


      • Reporting procedures
      • When to pull a fire alarm
      • Types of detectors
      • Evacuation routes
      • Disabilities and rescue assistance
      • Fire extinguishers (when to use, how to use, how often to replace, spent extinguishers, etc.)
      • When and when not to fight a fire
      • Sensitivity of sprinkler heads


      See the Portable Fire Extinguishers page for the following information:


      • Parties responsible for various aspects of fire extinguisher use and maintenance
      • Monthly fire extinguisher inspection guidelines
      • Classes of fire extinguishers
      • Fire Loading
      • Types of fire extinguishers
      • Extinguisher labels
      • Distribution of extinguishers
      • Mounting of extinguishers


      See the Fire Safety Programs page for the following information:


      • Policies and procedures for fire safety


      See the Fire Detection Systems page for the following information:


      • Parties responsible for various aspects of maintaining and operating detection systems
      • Components of a detection system
      • Where fire detection is required
      • Alarm sounding devices
      • Monthly inspection and testing
      • Annual testing
      • Fire detection impairment policy
      • Alarm deactivation and reactivation procedures




      Useful Documents


      Alarm Maintenance Procedures

      Alarm Deactivation and Reactivation Procedures




      Relevant Contacts




      For general inquiries:


      Environmental Health and Safety
      (773) 702-9999


       For alarm maintenance:


      Facilities Services
      (773) 702-1700


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